Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wedding Wednesday, Olay!

Greetings and welcome to yet another Wedding Wednesday! This week I'm asking for input and opinions about wedding locations. It was originally going to be in Indy but noooow we're rethinking that and considering Vincennes as an option as well. I have made pro/con lists and I am going to share them with you in hopes that maybe you can help me become biased to one over the other. Let us not wait any longer, bombs away! :)

·         + less expensive
·         + easier to plan
·         + more “our” style
·         + Quabache cabins --I’LL EXPLAIN LATER.
·         + Small town charm.
·         + Easier on dogs. Wouldn’t need to board them/ find a petsitter.
·         + Catholic wedding is a viable option!

·         - less venues to work with
·         - inconvienent for people traveling long distance
·         + more venues to work with
·         + easier for family out of town to travel to.
·         + backyard reception!

·         - more expensive
·         - harder to plan for
·         - Not “our” style
·         -  no Quabache trails
·         - gas is too expensive to be traveling back and forth, when need be.
·         - catholic wedding course is next to impossible to complete, in many reguards, gas prices compared to frequency of course meetings being number one.
·         - have to board dogs/ find a petsitter.

Well,I think that's all for now. Let me know what ya'll think and check out Silly Sunday! :)

Peace & Love,


  1. When you are planning, take in consideration of your guests. I would set the location where the majority of your guests will be coming from. I'm saying this so I don't have to drive up to Indy.

  2. Eden--it's really obvious that you guys really want Vinny. Do what's best for you guys and what makes you happy. (I have lots of wedding regrets from trying to please others instead of just doing what we wanted to do.) Do what you want/where you want, and, if people don't like it, that's not your problem. :) It's your day-your memories! Make it all about you guys and what works for you! No matter where it's held, whether it's a Star Wars theme, a catholic wedding, or a paintball nuptial, make it your own and be proud of it! :)
