Saturday, January 19, 2013

Crafty Saturday Afternoon

Going into today I knew I was going to have a semi crafty day, in that I knew I was going to be spray painting a picture frame to touch it up and I knew I'd be painting and hanging some Star Wars snowflakes I made in December. The snowflakes were originally for our living room window but I never got around to finishing them, until today. I am a terrible procrastinator and I had so much to do for the holidays I just didn't have time to finish my paper friends until now. Oh well, better late than never.

When I was at the thrift store today, picking up the picture frame (it cost me 2$), I found a huge box of 45's that were ridiculously cheap (25 cents, cheap). As soon as I saw them I knew what I would do with them. I love when that happens. I call that a brain blast when you get an awesome idea that is just so perfect. So I scooped up 10 of them (sadly one got destroyed in the creative process) and got to work as soon as I got home. With a little bit of fishing wire, some scissors, tape and thumb tacks these are the results.

I absolutely love them and the way they turned out. As soon as I get paid next week, I'm going to go get more of them to fill up some of the empty space that wasn't filled today! 

The other two projects I did today were very colorful and paint-y. I don't think that "paint-y" is a word but you get the jest of what it means.

Paint-y project number one took me just under 45 minutes and that includes drying time, whereas paint-y project number two took me approximately 2 1/2 hours and that includes stringing and hanging time. 

Painty project #1 was the picture frame. While the frame was drying, I was choosing photos. I ended up choosing 4 of my friends. I really liked the way it turned out. 

Painty project #2 was the snowflakes. Each snowflake took a ridiculous amount of time to, not so much paint, but dry. I think the only flake that I took a long time painting was the Boba Fett one. Sadly one of the flakes didn't make it through the painting and hanging process. RIP Chewbacca, I'm sorry that the paint became and adhesive and I was unable to unstick you from the scrap paper. Here are the snowflake results.

Get crafty everyone! 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

ryan's dirty look catalog.

This blog is TOTALLY useless but I need to get this out there into the interweb-iverse. I made that word up just now. I like it a lot.
Anyways, You're probably wondering why this is titled "Ryan's Dirty Look Catalog"? Here's the story behind it. It's pretty simple actually and pretty silly. After you read the explanation you're going to be thinking "Why did I even read this blog? Why did I waste my time on this? I should stop reading now but I can't." Which in turn I would reply to you "Why good sir, I have no idea why it is that you're reading this. It is complete crap and if you hadn't noticed I'm just rambling on now." 

Anyways, I've digressed again. This blog is called "Ryan's Dirty Look Catalog" because when I was trying to decide what to what to write about my wonderful and incredibly helpful husband started playfully making dirty looks at me. At first I thought that he was doing an impression of what he had just seen Steve Carell do on the office (he was pretending to be a blind man that fell into a vat of acid eyes first). Then this conversion happened:

Me: What are you doing? Are you pretending to be Michael (Carell)? 
Ryan: No. Im giving you dirty looks
Me: Ughh, okay, why?
Ryan: I'm fueling your blog fire.
Me: Oh, Okay... 

 And then I began typing only to turn around every few seconds to see him making random faces at me. How did I deal with this? I started doing it back. Here are a few photos of the faces I have seen tonight. The many shades of Ryan, if you will. 

That's all for now. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

5 things I like & dislike.

Today I am so bored. I thought I'd make lists today.

A list of 5 things I like and 5 things I dislike. 

5 Things I like (in no particular order)
1. The Office. This show is hilarious. Dwight is the best character ever. Seconded by Jim. 

2. Baking. I don't know what it is about it but I love it.
3. Panda bears. God, they're so cute.
4. Natalie Dee comics. Oh my gosh, her comics are the funniest thing in the world. Ever.

5., funniest blog ever. The writer tells the funniest stories from when she was a child, I almost die laughing every time I read them.

5 things I dislike (in no particular order) :
1. The smell of whiskey. There's something about it, every time I smell it I want to vomit everywhere.
2. Stomach Aches. Anyone who knows me, knows I get them all the time. Almost every day. Stomach problems run in my family. FML. Stop it stomach, seriously.
3. Chainsaws. It's not so much the chainsaw itself as much as the noise it makes. I hate that sound. Creeps me out.
4. Twilight. Vampires don't sparkle in the sun where I come from, they turn to dust. 

5. When I just finish painting my finger nails and one gets smudged. That drives me INSANE.

Thats all.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Update. May 2012- Now 2013. Good luck.

Today I realized I haven't written a new post in a REALLY long time. Sorry, I've been really busy being a wife and taking care of my 2 dogs, one cat, a husband and myself.

 May 2012:
In May, Ryan and I got married. It was the most majestic day of my life, minus the day I met him and the day I was born (which I don't remember but have heard about in depth). Being born is a pretty majestic occasion, if you ask me. If I hadn't been born I wouldn't be doing this right now, but I digress. The day after we got married we had to drive from where we live to Miami to get on a cruise boat. We drove 18 hours that day, which was the longest day ever. Finally we got to Miami, stayed the night at a hotel & awoke the next morning to set sail on a cruise boat for 5 adventuresome days! We went to Key West for a day, it was awesome. Beyond awesome. We loved it. Then went to Cozumel for a day. Cozumel was fun. While we were there we went to the Mayan Ruins with a tour group, which was cool! After our cruise was done and we were commencing our long journey home we stopped in Orlando for a few days and went to Disney World. I know I am an adult but ,Jesus, I love Disney World. It's magical. Almost as magical as my wedding day!

Mayan Ruins! Woot. It was REALLY hot that day, like 117 degrees, hot. No joke or exaggeration.
DISNEY WORLD! Our buttons say " Happily Ever After"


In June not much happened really other than my cousin,Sabrina, got married & I was in her wedding. We went to 6 Flags for her bachelorette party. I love roller coasters. :)
We met Scooby Doo after going on a water ride. Also, that is my cousin. The one I spoke of. 

My other cousin (her little brother) & I walking down the aisle. 


We had 100 degree days, I worked. July was kind of lame. Ryan, however, did complete a food challenge. If you're familiar with the tv show Man Vs Food, you may have seen an episode where Adam eats at a restaurant called Bub's Burgers? If you eat one of the burgers in the competition you get a 4x6 photo on the wall, if you eat 4 (only a few people have done this) you get a life size photo on their wall and a free t shirt. Oh boy!
The burger!
The first bite!
The last bite! 
Regret after the cheeseburger!  All I heard on the car ride home was "I regret cheeseburgers, I'll never eat again."

In August, I don't think anything really happened.  Sorry.


We got a new puppy! She's a German Shepherd mix. Her name is Xena. She is 8 months old now. She's huge & a handful. She has also made if very clear that she is my dog. She likes to think that she is a lap dog when she very clearly is NOT.

Xena, in September.

Xena, December with our mini dachshund, Lucy. Note the difference in size. Xena thinks she's Lucy's size & vice versa.


Halloween! I did nothing of significance. I believe I wore mismatching shoes to work that day (one purple and one green chuck) and carried around a Chewbacca mask from our wedding photo booth. As an added bonus I wore my Chewbacca tshirt to go with the mask. Nerd power!

Huwaa muaa mumwa?Wugaga hu uwamma Woohiee wa-ah? 

For those of you who didn't know, I am fluent in Shriiwook (Chewbacca's native language).


Happy Thanksgiving! Our first Thanksgiving Married!


Merry Christmas! For Christmas, I got a bunch of perfume, all 8 Harry Potter movies on DVD (SCORE!) and a really awesome necklace from Ryan. It was our first Christmas married, so we made adorable photo to use as our Christmas cards. Also, the week before Xmas I hurt my knee. It continued to hurt until... well its still hurting. More on that later.


January 2013:

Wowzas! How'd we get here? Seems like it was May 2 seconds ago... KIDDING. Anyways, here we are back in present time. Not much has really been happening this month, thus far, minus my knee. Today I finally went to the doctor, well Urgent Care if you'd like to get specific. The doctor told me I have something called Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome aka Runners Knee. The funny thing is I DON'T RUN. When I run, I look ridiculous. Hands are flailing one way and legs another and lets not even discuss my facial expressions. I, obviously, have never seen them but from what my friends have told me I make hilarious ones. Thanks guys. Anyways, basically what's wrong with my knee is that the knee cap is loose and banging about back and forth when I walk and that's causing it to be inflamed. So, alas, I have to wear a knee brace and take some meds. Oh joy!
This is me, today, after taking  pain killers for my knee and playing with Xena. Why is there a Donald Duck band aid  on my thumb you may be wondering? The answer is simple, she was playing too rough with me and took a chunk of my finger with her. :( Blood EVERYWHERE. Okay, not everywhere but all over my finger and the band aid.  

Now that I've written all that, I don't know what to write about.

 Surely, you've seen these memes by now. I love them.

The John Lennon meme made me giggle so hard.
5 things I HATE about doctor's offices :

1. All the sick people around you. It seems like the doctors office is the WORST place to go when you're not sick and just have a minor injury. They should really consider quarantining the sick people off from the healthy ones. There were people coughing all over the place and not covering their mouths. It was seriously grossing me out, thank God for hand sanitizer. I felt like I took a second bath in that stuff. When I came out I smelled of Bath & Body work's eucalyptus/ spearmint scent.
2.The ridiculous waiting times. I get there at 10:20 AM, fill out paper work and wait until 11:15AM to be called back to wait in an exam room. Finally get out at noon. WTF, HOW DOES THAT WORK?
3. All the paperwork you have to fill out. Good god, it seems never ending.
4. The awkward silence. Everyone keeps to themselves and only talks to people they know. Can we get a TV in here to cut down on the awkwardness and boredom.
5. The sheer, mind numbing boredom that happens while you're waiting. There were 0 magazines to look at, no TV and no music playing, NOT EVEN ELEVATOR MUSIC. You were just supposed to stare into space silently and wait. BORING. AWKWARD. Check & Check.

That's all for now.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Ahh, Recycled Monsters!

Recently I have decided to start making stuffed monsters for some extra cash to go towards my wedding! Dont get me wrong, Ryan & I have been saving our asses off for this but extra cash wouldn't and doesn't hurt. So here it is:

Recycled Monsters are stuffed plushie monsters that are made & stuffed mostly with recycled materials. They are made by me and maybe a couple friends, if I can convince them to help me (lol). Recycled Monsters are adorable & unusual. All Recycled Monsters cost 5$ (discluding shipping) & all the money goes to a great cause, which I have dubbed the adorable nickname of "Ryan & Eden are getting married" fund. If anyone is interested in purchasing one or a million (jk!) here is how to do it.
1. Get ahold of me via facebook .
2. Email me here.
3. Leave a comment on this blog!

Here is what they look like:

My cell phone doesn't take very good photos, sorry.

Peace & Love,

Sunday, June 5, 2011

First dance music choices.

Lately, I've really been thinking about the music for our first dance. I've made a list of all the songs that I've found online in my research and that I just like in general. Each song is linked to youtube, click on all of them, two of them or one of them to hear them. I'd really like your input on the songs that you like and don't like. Please bear in mind that some of the songs that are on this list are more than a little unconventional. :)

Cat power-Sea of Love
Death cab- I'll follow you into the dark
Incubus- I Miss You
Nirvana- Lake of Fire
weezer-island in the sun
Weezer-I want you to
Van Morrison- Brown Eyed Girl
Billy Joel- Just the Way You Are
Billy Louis Polisar- All I Want Is You
Velvet Underground- I'm Sticking With You
Moldy Peaches- Anyone Else but You
John Lennon- Imagine
Metallica-Nothing Else Matters
Beatles- All You Need is Love
White Stripes- We're Going to be Friends
Louis Armstrong- What a Wonderful World
Eric Clapton- Wonderful Tonight

Peace &  Love,

Monday, May 30, 2011

Cupcakes & Cooties.

Blue/Red Swirl Memorial Cupcakes:
A photo journal of how they came to be!

Firstly,I would like to start by stating the obvious, cupcakes of any kind rock. Seriously, who would pass up a free cupcake? With that said.. Apparently this morning when I woke up , I decided to be "Betty Crocker meets a camera" today. I know that's a weird thing to say and I really think that the pictures I have will just explain it better, so without further ado... 

mother fucking, CUPCAKE MATH.(caution: this will make you extremely hungry. it is normal to want a cupcake after seeing this. also, i know this is silly but who cares?) when doing cupcake math,  always put a + sign between the pictures and a = after the second picture!

+      =


I know that the last one didn't make sense, so i'll try to explain it...
the frosting/sprinkle combo+ sprinkles = done cupcakes and dirty dishes (my attempt at humor.) Lol, so anyways....

Well, now that i've epically failed at doing that... 
"circle,circle,dot,dot,now i've got my cootie shot."

Well, that'll be all from cupcake stadium!
Peace &Love,