Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wedding Wednesday, Olay!

And on to us one week later it was WW again. This week WW is a 2 part dealio. The first part is honeymoon ideas and plans and the second is a "meet the wedding party", ordeal. Without further ado, part uno!

Honeymoon? It's such a weird word. When I was a kid I always thought that it meant the married couple were supposed to eat honey on the moon immediately after they were married, sadly I'm not making this up as some witty anecdote. Then I went to my first wedding and it was explained to me that it is merely a vacation for the newly weds to enjoy theirselves for a couple of days- a week to celebrate. Now that I am actually planning my own I keep finding myself saying " FUCK YEAH HONEYMOON! This shit is gonna be awesome!" Ryan and I have been thinking about this really hard and we've come up with a list of places (I know, we make lists for everything, or I do atleast--I'm a walking South Park joke) and one is really taking the lead. (Brian, if you're reading this,I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.) We have a list of about 12 places, in the US and abroad. I'll do list them based on geography, just as a challenge for myself. Here goes nothing.

US choices :
-Country tour of the westcoast including Texas, Vegas(,baby), the Grand Canyon and ending in California. We would obviously be taking route 66 for some of this, just to say we did it. :)
-Alaskan cruise, yes, you read that correctly. ALASKAN CRUISE. Totally my idea. :) I'm very proud of this one.

-Jamaica, mon. It's warm and chill there. :)
-Bahamas. Not too sure about this one, could go either way, honestly.
-France. I've never been there, always wanted to go. It's one place that Ryan hasn't been to either ,he's been almost everywhere it seems.
-Amsterdam (FTW). This is our prize gem idea. We are pulling for this one over all the other ones, minus Jamaica. If we choose this one we'd be waiting til November of 2012 to go though, which I'm okay with. Happy Thanksgiving, We're in Amsterdam! It's okay to be jealous. :)
-Polland. Ryan is polish and he really wants to go there. His reasoning was "if were putting the netherlands on the list, how come we cant put Polland on it??!?!" FYI to those of you confused about that statement: I'm dutch, so yeah. I think Polland would be interesting though.
-  Italy. I've wanted to go here for as long as I could remember. It's so pretty there and I adore italian food. Maybe thats because I'm also partially Italian?
-Switzerland. I loved Zurich when my mother and I went. I'd love to go back. I personally, dont think that Ryan was to keen on this idea.
-India! Ryan has never been there and I have! Finally a one up on him! :) I'd love to go back and see family and Ryan has expressed his eagerness to go there. He really wants to go there, badly.
- A galaxy far far away. This one is a joke, I looked up and saw our various Star Wars posters on the walls.

If any of you guys have anymore honeymoon ideas, let me know. I'm always open to new ideas. :)

PART DEUX:  Meet our lovely wedding party
disclaimer:  We have NOT picked our flower girl, ring bearer or our ushers yet, so please don't just assume that we're ignoring them. We have lots of people asking for the flower girl position and no matter what I do someone's feelings will be hurt. So we're taking our time deciding on those.

In choosing my half of the wedding party, I choose Ryan's two sisters, my sister from another mother and my half. It took me a really long time to pick people because all of my close friends kept saying "am I going to be a bridesmaid? am i going to be in the wedding?" and how do you say no without hurting someones feelings. If any of you are reading this, I'm really sorry. I picked people based on how close we are now, if you're going to be family/are family and how long I've known people. 
Ryan, on the other hand, knew immediately who he wanted to be in his half of the wedding. He just chose 2 of his pledge brothers from his fraternity, one of his really close friends and his best friend/ partner in crime.

Here they are, up close and personal! Say hello to:

Hope, my maid of hotness!
Hope and I have been friends and halves for roughly 4 years now. On the first night that we met, we made plans to go to a party together. Before we left we went to our dorm rooms to change and when it was time to meet up we were both wearing the same outfit! From that day on we've been known as Edope.

Brian, the best man!
Bri and Ry have been best friends for several years now. Ryan was the best man in Brian's wedding and now Brian is returning the favor, so to speak. Ryan and Brian are also brothers in the fraternity Pi Lambda Phi.

Kari, bridesmaid!

Kari is my sister from another mother. We've been friends since the sixth grade when she was placed in my class. If I remember correctly, I stole her gluestick and refused to give it back to her. I was quite the bully, apparently.

Nick, groomsmen!

Nick is one of Ryan's pledge brothers through Pi Lambda Phi. Nick and Ryan have been roommates several times throughout the years.  

Emma, bridesmaid!

Emma is Ryan's youngest sister. Emma is seriously funny and is guaranteed to make people laugh. Emma is fun spirited and loves to play Wii and do gymnastics. 

Seth, groomsmen!

Seth is another one of Ryan's pledge brothers in the fraternity. Seth lives in Las Vegas, Nevada and enjoys scuba diving!

 Katie, bridesmaid! 

Katie is Ryan's middle sister. Katie has a wonderful fashion sense and enjoys spending time with her boyfriend, Brian.

Chops, groomsmen!

Chops is one of Ryan's best friends.In his free time Chops enjoys playing the drums, spending time with his fiancee,Jamie Joiiw and having a good time with friends.  (The misspelling of "Jamie Jo" is from their cat, Bear! I'm currently at their house working on this!)

Peace &Love,

1 comment:

  1. Hope you enjoy honeymoon; they have some really cool islands in Greece that you can also add to your list:)
