Thursday, March 24, 2011

breaking up is hard to do.

How do you break up with someone? I know that is a pretty straight forward question and the answer is also but its way more complicated than that. (Side note: I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT RYAN, I love him and im not breaking up with him.)  In all seriousness though, how do you do it? Is it just like ripping off a bandaid? Do you just say that you want to break up even if you know that it could potentially ruin the break-upee's day or do you let them down nice and easy? What does that even mean? I should probably start from the beginning and explain how I've gotten to the point Im at now. That might help. Well, here goes.
I met this girl (no I'm not a lesbian) and we became friends. She had dated a guy that was in Ryan's fraternity and then they had a kind of awkward breakup but I stayed friends with her, even though all of my friends stopped doing that. (Maybe that was clue number 1? ) I figured that I wasn't the type of person to stop being friends with someone just because everyone else did, that seems relatively say the least. So we hung and went to the mall and to dinner afterwards. We had a good time. I didn't understand why all these people were running from this girl (not literally running but you know what i mean). We hung out again and went shopping, she helped me pick out a pair of jeans and we went to dinner after that and before Ryan's birthday party. The party was fun, a bunch of us went to the bar and got Ryan really drunk. :) When we went to Dennys afterwards I had to take Ryan home because he was way too drunk to be in public and before doing so I arranged another ride home for her. She said okay and stayed with all of Ryans friends. She then, after waiting around for a couple hours with them, decided to walk home drunk because their cigarette smoke was bothering her and our friend walked her home. She then clung onto him like plastic wrap, texting him nonstop. Not my problem I know,thats not why I want to break up with her. We then hung out maybe 2 more times after that. One of which being when I invited her to lunch with me a couple of weeks ago. She took an hour and a half to get ready, when she knew I had to work 2.5 hours after I had asked and then when I suggested a mexican restaurant she stated that SHE DOESNT LIKE REAL MEXICAN FOOD??!? (but she loves taco bell- ive seen her eat it) So we settled on a pizza place. The whole time we were there she spoke of her boyfriend and how she played WoW now when she always complained of her boyfriend playing it too often. Everything we talked about was about her. It was insane. So here is a list of her offenses to which I would like to break up with her.
-she doesnt like real mexican food aka we'll never be able to eat at La Fiesta and I love that place too much to forgive her for that.
-she didnt know who ted nugent was.
-she is bossy.
-shes nuts (she asked me to move in with her after 2 weeks of knowing me)
-she accoused my friend (the guy who dated her) of stealing from her and he definately didnt.
-she speaks only of herself and her boyfriend.
- she just annoys me.
-she doesnt believe Courtney Love killed Kurt Cobain. <<<< this was the deal breaker.

So I'll ask again, how do i break up with her without hurting her feelings?
If this makes me sound like a horrible person, so be it. I need out. I dont blame my friend for breaking up with her! Shes crazy and too crazy to describe in a blog, sadly. I have not done her justice. Gosh, I'm really mean. I'll shut up now, I'm just being catty.


1 comment:

  1. Don't formally break up. Just be "busy" when she wants to hang out. Be friendly when you see her-but not too friendly to get her hopes up. Slowly, you'll just be distanced from her and she'll find others to hang with and you'll be done with her. :)
