Sunday, March 27, 2011

Rants 1 &2, woohoo.

Rant #1: How have you NOT lost your job yet?
So as most of you know I work at a company where I take care of physically and mentally disabled people.  And as most of you know, my previous boss drove me insane. Literally, she was a horrible boss, she never got anything done and would call at all hours of the night for scheduling problems. This blog... is not about her. Shes gone, no wait, shes LONG gone. This blog is about one of the staff that works at two of my clients homes with me. Im seriously wondering how he hasn't lost his job yet? My new boss (who is very awesome, may i add) is constantly complaining about him and the fact that he is NEVER doing his work. He has even gone so far as not even showing up half the time, without calling in. He never ever shows up for the saturday shifts with one of my clients and I, unfortunately, had to be the one to let her know. Now for those of you who dont know much about home healthcare, if a clients hours aren't being used and the state finds out, they will cut them and that is bad, in most cases. So I am going to ask this question again... HOW HAVE YOU NOT LOST YOUR JOB!?!? Im really begininning to wonder if it is because he has been working there for so many years (I think maybe like 1 more than me, so 3 yrs) or if it is because the people in my office really just want to avoid conflict. Either way, I'm pissed off but I guess that really doesnt matter or effect his job,now does it?
Rant #2: Secrets, secrets are no fun. Secrets, secrets hurt someone.
Sooooo I have a secret. A big, hairy, ugly one that is very important to keep quiet. The only problem with this secret is that it's literally killing me inside to keep it. [side note: hope, its not what you think it is] The person this secret is about doesn't even know I know and I'd really like to keep it that way.  It seriously is killing me though. This one is something I need to talk to them about because i kind of deserve the right to know.. if that makes sense. Well, I take that last statement back, that was a biased statement. Fml, Im going in circles. I quit.


1 comment:

  1. okay ... how are they still working there? that's horrible! i hope that staff loses there job soon. and definitely just talk to the person. because if you don't you will probably end up insane... well more than you already are (; loveyouuuuuuu
