Saturday, January 19, 2013

Crafty Saturday Afternoon

Going into today I knew I was going to have a semi crafty day, in that I knew I was going to be spray painting a picture frame to touch it up and I knew I'd be painting and hanging some Star Wars snowflakes I made in December. The snowflakes were originally for our living room window but I never got around to finishing them, until today. I am a terrible procrastinator and I had so much to do for the holidays I just didn't have time to finish my paper friends until now. Oh well, better late than never.

When I was at the thrift store today, picking up the picture frame (it cost me 2$), I found a huge box of 45's that were ridiculously cheap (25 cents, cheap). As soon as I saw them I knew what I would do with them. I love when that happens. I call that a brain blast when you get an awesome idea that is just so perfect. So I scooped up 10 of them (sadly one got destroyed in the creative process) and got to work as soon as I got home. With a little bit of fishing wire, some scissors, tape and thumb tacks these are the results.

I absolutely love them and the way they turned out. As soon as I get paid next week, I'm going to go get more of them to fill up some of the empty space that wasn't filled today! 

The other two projects I did today were very colorful and paint-y. I don't think that "paint-y" is a word but you get the jest of what it means.

Paint-y project number one took me just under 45 minutes and that includes drying time, whereas paint-y project number two took me approximately 2 1/2 hours and that includes stringing and hanging time. 

Painty project #1 was the picture frame. While the frame was drying, I was choosing photos. I ended up choosing 4 of my friends. I really liked the way it turned out. 

Painty project #2 was the snowflakes. Each snowflake took a ridiculous amount of time to, not so much paint, but dry. I think the only flake that I took a long time painting was the Boba Fett one. Sadly one of the flakes didn't make it through the painting and hanging process. RIP Chewbacca, I'm sorry that the paint became and adhesive and I was unable to unstick you from the scrap paper. Here are the snowflake results.

Get crafty everyone! 

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