Thursday, January 17, 2013

ryan's dirty look catalog.

This blog is TOTALLY useless but I need to get this out there into the interweb-iverse. I made that word up just now. I like it a lot.
Anyways, You're probably wondering why this is titled "Ryan's Dirty Look Catalog"? Here's the story behind it. It's pretty simple actually and pretty silly. After you read the explanation you're going to be thinking "Why did I even read this blog? Why did I waste my time on this? I should stop reading now but I can't." Which in turn I would reply to you "Why good sir, I have no idea why it is that you're reading this. It is complete crap and if you hadn't noticed I'm just rambling on now." 

Anyways, I've digressed again. This blog is called "Ryan's Dirty Look Catalog" because when I was trying to decide what to what to write about my wonderful and incredibly helpful husband started playfully making dirty looks at me. At first I thought that he was doing an impression of what he had just seen Steve Carell do on the office (he was pretending to be a blind man that fell into a vat of acid eyes first). Then this conversion happened:

Me: What are you doing? Are you pretending to be Michael (Carell)? 
Ryan: No. Im giving you dirty looks
Me: Ughh, okay, why?
Ryan: I'm fueling your blog fire.
Me: Oh, Okay... 

 And then I began typing only to turn around every few seconds to see him making random faces at me. How did I deal with this? I started doing it back. Here are a few photos of the faces I have seen tonight. The many shades of Ryan, if you will. 

That's all for now. 

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