Tuesday, April 12, 2011

5 reasons why dogs are 100% better than cats

5 reasons why dogs are 100% better than cats
.....with pictures!
  1. When you call a cat's name to get it to come and play with you, it just looks at you and then goes back to whatever it was doing. Ex: I was at my friends house the other day and I called her cat to see if it would come play with me and it just looked at me like i was retarded and ran upstairs. However, when I called either of her dogs names they came running over to me and played with me and wagged their tails! Dogs rock.

  2. If you're in a situation where you need some protection and you just cant seem to protect yourself, a dog will, while a cat would just sit there and lick itself as if nothing were happening. Ex: When I was 14 -15 there was a man coming to work on the plumbing in my house andI didnt know he was supposed to be coming.When he knocked on the door my dog,Scooby, started freaking out but when he tried to let himself in Scooby went crazy. He growled and scared the poor plumber off. I'm just glad that he came back later when my parents were home and I knew he was supposed to be coming. 

  3.  I honestly just enjoy the company of dogs more than cats. Cats have the problem of only being friendly to their owners while dogs are always friendly to everyone, even to people they don't know. I have never met a cat who was friendly to someone it hadn't met and/or lived with previously before. If someone could show me that cat, I'll consider retracting this statement.
  4. Dogs are living vacuum cleaners. When you drop food on the floor they snatch it up before you could even clean it up 9/10 times. Ex: When Ryan's mom still had Bumba (our dog now) she once dropped an egg on the floor and since hes such a pig he just sucked it up before she could even realized what had happened. I've seen Bumba in action and I know that he is quick and a cheap alternative to a vacuum cleaner when the time is right. I mean, obviously, if i dropped tomatoes,grapes,onions,garlic or chocolate on the floor I would rather risk getting bitten than him get sick from something potentially hazardous. I love my baby boy.
  5. Dogs play with you. I realize that cats do too but dogs play fetch, catch and about a million other variations of those games. When my 1 and 1/2 yr old dachshund hears the mini tennis balls that Ryan's mom got her, you had better watch out because shes coming for whoever squeaked them and she'll want to play-for a long time.

Peace & Love,

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