Monday, April 11, 2011

gettin to know me better.

Fifteen Random Facts About Moi!
  1. I find it really hard to trust people. There are only about a handful,if that,of people I trust 100%.
  2. I have NEVER met my biological father. If your next question is why, I probably wont tell you simply for the fact that you probably dont know me well enough to be asking that. Everyone who knows me well, knows that sob story and I'm tired of telling it to people who won't be around for longer than a few months.
  3. The word "fiancee" scares me to death. Not because of the definition, but because of the level of fanciness that comes with it. That sounds silly, I know, but never the less Ryan is NOT my fiancee. Ryan is my FPIC (future partner in crime).
  4. I have never broken a bone in my body (knock on wood). I have, however, sprained my ankle (always the left one,strangely enough) multiple times.
  5. Before I got Betty Badass (my chevy cobalt) the only car I wanted was a Honda Fit. Ryan and I even came up with a funny phrase for whenever we saw one. We would say "Holy Honda Fit!"
  6. The longest relationship Ive ever been in is 3+ years and it is with Ryan.
  7. I represent the 317,219,812 and the 765. (song lyrics and the truth)
  8. Someday I would really like to own another beagle, I really miss the one I had growing up. His name is Scooby and he lives in Maryland with my mother. :)
  9. Most people think that when I'm talking loudly that I'm mad or yelling at someone but what they dont realize is that I'm just a loud person. I was raised that way and I'm actually a really laidback person.
  10. When I'm mad at you, you'll know it. It'll probably take everything I've got inside of me not to cuss you out because I've got the mouth of 100 sailors on their worst day.
  11. I strongly agree with the phrase "clean hands are happy hands." I have atleast 2 containers of the mini hand sanitizers with me at all times.
  12. I don't care who you are, if you hurt someone that I love, I'll fuck you up and make you regret you fucked with them. 
  13. I love my moms (no my mom isn't a lesbian) more than I love brown peanut m&m's (aka A LOT).
  14. I've been dying my hair since the 7th grade. To be honest with you, I couldn't tell you the real color of it now if you asked me, other than saying "brown".
  15. My favorite colors (in this order) are: blue, green, black and coral. 
Peace & Love,

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